Learn about a fascinating biblical location, and see if you can guess its name before the end of the video!

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Learn about a fascinating biblical location, and see if you can guess its name before the end of the video!
This temple likely rivalled the one in Jerusalem for several hundred years, before Jews destroyed it around 110 BC.
At first glance, you may think this picture was snapped in Egypt. There are camels, there are pyramids, and the Nile River is not far away.
Remains of King Solomon’s gate at Gezer can be seen to this day.
According to tradition, this slice of greenery is where Jesus delivered his famed Sermon on the Mount
Goats were ideally suited to the arid conditions of southern Judah, and were prized both for their milk and their hair!
When Elijah was twiddling his thumbs on Mount Carmel – waiting for the Baal prophets to finish their ranting (1 Kings 18:25-26) – perhaps he stood in the vicinity of this photo and absorbed the view.
This extravagantly-decorated wall lined the edge of the ‘Processional Way’, a main road in the ancient city of Babylon.
The Dead Sea – an incredibly salty lake south-east of Jerusalem – is the lowest point on Earth.
If any site deserves to have a sign saying “Jesus was here”, it is surely the southern steps of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount.