Little known today, Uruk was a famous metropolis in biblical times.

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Learn about a fascinating biblical location, and see if you can guess its name before the end of the video!
Imagine the scene. One moment you’re planning a wedding, and the next, it seems that your spouse-to-be has been unfaithful. What now? Joseph, descendant of King David, wrestled with this very dilemma one night.
The remains of biblical Dan can be found in a beautiful nature reserve at the base of Mount Hermon, about 6 km west of Caesarea Philippi. There have been some huge archaeological discoveries here, which verify the accuracy of the biblical record!
At Caesarea Philippi, a stunning dialogue took place between Jesus and his disciples.
Mount Hermon is Israel’s highest mountain, with its summit sitting at 2814 m (over 9000 ft) above sea level. Snow occupies the summit for much of the year. This snow has long been valued by locals. Nowadays, there is a ski resort on Hermon, and in times past, Hermon’s snow was used to cool food and drinks in nearby villages.
Matthew is a riveting book, though it may not appear so at first! In fact, when you open your Bible to Matthew 1, you’ll be greeted by a lengthy list of names. Don’t let that put you off, though! This line-up of monikers is truly meaningful.
Gath was a town with multiple claims to fame.
This is the type of lion that roamed ancient Israel, clashing with famous figures such as Samson (Judges 14:5) and David (1 Sam 17:34-36).
The Valley of Elah, part way between Bethlehem and the Mediterranean Sea, hosted one of history’s most renowned showdowns.